Saturday, June 15, 2013

Spoof arguments against the Axiom of Choice

As a first year graduate student, I wrote this pseudonymous spoof, inspired by the Sokal affair. It's rather immature in places, but enjoy!


  1. I really enjoyed the paper. I may or may not have tried to play it off as a serious argument against the axiom of choice at a certain forum on WLC's website. It would have a better chance of being taken seriously if you would not have included "hoax" in the url. haha.

  2. Enjoyable, but it clearly fails the ideological Turing test. Mostly it's too analytic in style, which makes your Marxist hints/winks stand out unnaturally. Not sure if this was already obvious.

  3. There are analytic philosophers who are Marxists. But they don't write in this silly way. :-)

  4. Needs updating to make it relevant for today. James-Pravda should be revised to James-NBC.
