Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Klingon bat'leth sword

My daughter and I are Trekkies, and she asked me for a bat'leth prop for Christmas. I made one out of wood, painted with metallic paint, with leather wrapped handles. Here are the instructions.


  1. As a 'former' Trekkie I can appreciate this...

    Also a very personal and awesome present.

    [Although as it stands I am more looking forward to Star Wars next year than anything from the Star Trek universe.]

  2. I am sad that the Star Wars movie is unlikely to cohere with the Thrawn trilogy.

  3. Is the expanded universe canon anymore? I'm not a purist about my Sci-Fi (think Battlestar Galactica - oh why did they make it a series rather than three movies!). I am about Fantasy and Mythology.

    Trust me now Disney own this they will milk it so expect something to appear from every orifice of the Star Wars creature. I believe a number of massive multilayer online games may have already borrowed from the expanded universe?

  4. Lucas has rebranded the extended universe as "Star Wars Legends", and insists that the only canon now is just the movies.

  5. Just as I thought. As I say it is quite possible (and indeed already planned I imagine) that individual characters or material will be recycled in movies beyond the proposed three.

  6. Now that we've all recovered from the Romulan ale on New Year's Eve :-), my greetings to you for this New Year:

    Live long and prosper.

    May the Force be with you.

    Here is an interesting background on the Vulcan salute and greeting. It is derived from an old Judaic priestly blessing:

  7. Nano Nano to you too Dagmara Lizlovs. Shame we lost Robin Williams in 2014.

  8. I had a Mass said for the repose of the soul of Robin Williams. He was a victim of Lewy Body dementia.

  9. Alex:

    You need to put more stuff in your Christmas tree. :-)

  10. If you are looking to buy a readymade batleth in affordable price than Swords Kingdom UK is worth checking out.

  11. They do look nice, but I would call the prices affordable. :-(
