Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wilde Lectures schedule

For the benefit of any readers who will be in Oxford this month, here is a schedule of my Wilde Lectures in Natural and Comparative Religion.


  1. Hi Alex,

    have you ever thinked about recording your lectures? Maybe video recording is complicated, but I think audio recording of lecutres would be easy (and audio captured by smartphone is quite good nowadays). I think they would be awesome material to spark interesting discussion and it would be a pleasure to learn from you in that way.

  2. Looks like you'll be discussing some intriguing topics. I hope Oxford University uploads some of them to YouTube or something.

  3. There is no current plan to record. Video would be better as without the slides the talks would work poorly.

    Now, if someone knows somebody in Oxford who is willing and able to record, I would be happy to try to make arrangements.

  4. Will some of the material be made available online? If not the lectures themselves, at least the slides, a typeout, or notes?

  5. I can certainly post the slides, perhaps minus some copyrighted material.

  6. Dr. Pruss, please post the slides and any other material related to the talks that you can share. I'm sure there are people interested in it

  7. I'm hoping Oxford will post the whole talks. They videotaped everything quite professionally (as far as I could tell).
