Tuesday, October 19, 2021


I am planning in the future on deleting comments whose style falls short of academic standards of civility due to such things as sarcasm, insults, ungrounded accusations, or a general failure of a measured, calm and respectful tone. I would probably have already done so if other people than I were the targets of the violations of civility, but in the future I plan to do so even when I am the target, in the interests of discouraging uncivil discourse. Moreover, commenters should count on a high likelihood of being banned after about three violations, and earlier if the violations are more egregious. If your comment is deleted, feel free to re-post in better style. If you've been banned and want to be reinstated, email me.


  1. This is very good to hear. Civility is essential to any academic environment.

  2. I have still no clue, how one can express with academic standards of civility, that most of your ideas are missing the mark of being in any given way relevant.
    I found this on the net:
    Civil Discourse
    "Leading with Civility

    Baylor is guided by a Christian commitment that honors diverse thought, scholarly inquiry, and robust student engagement. The opportunity to lead and learn with your peers in a student organization is one of the most enriching experiences the University offers. The diversity of life experiences, interests and perspectives cultivates a vibrant learning environment that may, at times, generate disagreement. Within these moments of discord, Baylor is committed to being a community that engages with the highest standard of civility and respect set forth by Jesus Christ’s instruction to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry” (James 1:19). Our Christian tradition also asks us to love the way God loves, believing every person is made in the very image of God (Imago Dei), worthy of being treated with dignity, generosity, and compassion. As we “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) let us be steadfast in our dedication to these principles as the foundation upon which a Baylor education thrives.

    Thus, we commit as students and student organizations, to lead with humility for what we do not know and seek understanding for what we cannot see. We will actively pursue “the worthwhile things, the constructive things, the things that have been built for good of mankind and for the glory of God” (Immortal Message, Samuel Palmer Brooks) as the highest calling. We, as leaders of this community, will utilize the resources provided for us to pursue this call to civil discourse, reconciliation and restoration.

    Responsibility as a Student Leader to Model Civility

    This commitment to civility will be practiced in all modes of communication and through all platforms and venues. While the institution does not monitor all communication for all student organizations all of the time, we will appropriately engage with student organization leaders and advisors where concerns are shared about behaviors not consistent with our commitment to civil discourse and respect or actions that may have violated University policies and/or Student Organization procedures.

    In addition to addressing and engaging student leaders and advisors on these matters, the University also reserves the right to report the account to any social media platform or national organization with which the organization may be affiliated. Finally, if the behavior or content included in the reported area of concern is an alleged violation of other University policies, the student organization or individuals can be charged through the Student Conduct process (individual and/or group)."

    So then how should I behave?!? It's still not clear to me from this.
    I think, that I have played by the rules of this book and nothing but by the rules of this book.
