Wednesday, June 19, 2024


If p is a discrete probability measure, then the Shannon entropy of p is H(p) =  − ∑xp({x})log p({x}). I’ve never had any intuitive feeling for Shannon entropy until I noticed the well-known fact that H(p) is the expected value of the logarithmic inaccuracy score of p by the lights of p. Since I’ve spent a long time thinking about inaccuracy scores, I now get some intuitions about entropy for free.

Entropy is a measure of the randomness of p. But now I am thinking that there are other measures: For any strictly proper inaccuracy scoring rule s, we can take Eps(p) to be some sort of a measure of the randomness of p. These won’t have the nice connections with information theory, though.


  1. The key property of the standard definition is that the entropy is additive over independent subsystems. I doubt that this will apply to the other approaches.
