Wednesday, July 17, 2024

First-order naturalism

In a lovely paper, Leon Porter shows that semantic naturalism is false. One way to put the argument is as follows:

  1. If semantic naturalism is true, truth is a natural property.

  2. All natural properties are first order.

  3. Truth is not a first order property.

  4. So, truth is not a natural property.

  5. So, semantic naturalism is not true.

One can show (3) by using the liar paradox or just take it as the outcome of Tarski’s Indefinability of Truth Theorem.

Of course, naturalism entails semantic naturalism, so the argument refutes naturalism.

But it occurred to me today, in conversation with Bryan Reece, that perhaps one could have a weaker version of naturalism, which one might call first-order naturalism that holds that all first order truths are natural truths.

First-order naturalism escapes Porter’s argument. It’s a pretty limited naturalism, but it has some force. It implies, for instance, that Zeus does not exist. For if Zeus exists, then that Zeus exists is a first-order truth that is not natural.

First-order naturalism is an interestingly modest naturalist thesis. It is interesting to think about its limits. One that comes to mind is that it does not appear to include naturalism about minds, since it does not appear possible to characterize minds in first-order language (minds represent the world, etc., and talk of representation is at least prima facie not first-order).

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