Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The void between the atoms

Philoponus says:

When Democritus said that the atoms are in contact with each other, he did not mean contact, strictly speaking, which occurs when the surfaces of the things in contact fit on [epharmazousōn] one another, but the condition in which the atoms are near one another and not far apart is what he called contact. For no matter what, they are separated by void. (67A7)

This odd view would lead to three difficulties. First, the loveliness of the Democritean system is that everything is explained by atoms pushing each other around, without any mysterious action at a distance, without any weird forces like the love and strife posited by other Greek thinkers. But if two atoms are moving toward each other, and they must stop short of touching each other, it seems that we have some kind of a repulsion at a “near” distance. Second, the atomists thought everything happened of necessity. But why should two atoms heading for each other stop at distance x apart rather than distance x/2 or x/3, say? This seems arbitrary. And, third, what reason would Democritus have to say such a strange thing?

One solution is to simply say Philoponus was wrong about Democritus (cf. this interesting paper). One might, for instance, speculate that Democritus said something about how there will always be interstices of void when atoms meet, much like the triangle-like interstices when you tile the plane with circles in a hexagonal pattern, because their surfaces do not perfectly match like jigsaw pieces would, and Philoponus confused this with the claim that there is void between the atoms.

But I want to try something else. There is a famous problem—discussed by Sextus Empiricus, the Dalai Lama (!) and a number of people in between—about how impenetrable material objects can possibly touch. For if they touch, their surfaces are either separated by some distance or not.If their surfaces are separated, they don’t really touch. If their surfaces are not separated, then the surfaces are in the same place, and the objects have penetrated each other (albeit only infinitesimally) and hence they are not really impenetrable.

Suppose now that we think that Democritus was aware of this problem, and posited the following solution. Atoms occupy open regions of space, ones that do not include any of their boundaries or surfaces. For instance, atoms of fire, which are spherical, occupy the set of points in space whose distance to the center is strictly less than a radius r: the boundary, where the distance to the center is exactly r, is unoccupied. If two spherical atoms, each of radius r, come in contact, the distance between their centers is 2r, but the point exactly midway between their centers is not occupied by either atom. There is a single point’s worth of void there.

This immediately solves two of the three problems I gave for the void-between-atoms view. If I’m right, Democritus has very good reason to posit the view: it is needed to avoid the problem of interpenetration of surfaces. Furthermore, the arbitrariness problem disappears. Atoms heading for each other stop precisely when their boundaries would interpenetrate if they had boundaries in them. They stop at distance zero. There is no smaller distance they could stop at. The two spherical atoms stop moving toward each other when there is exactly one point of void between them: any more and they could keep on moving; any less is impossible.

We still have the problem of mysterious action at a distance requiring some force beyond mere contact. But Democritus might think—I don’t know if he would be right—that action at zero distance is less mysterious than action at positive distance, and on the suggestion I am offering the distance between objects that are touching is zero. There is a point’s (or a surface of points, if say we have two cubical atoms meeting with parallel faces) worth of distance, and that’s zero. Impenetrability at least explains why the atoms can’t go any further towards each other, even if it does not explain why they deflect each other’s motion as they do (which anyway, as we learn from Hume’s discussion of billiard balls, isn’t easy). So the remaining problem is reduced.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was in the literature already.

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