Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Correction to "Goodman and Quine's nominalism and infinity"

In an old post, I said that Goodman and Quine can’t define the concept of an infinite number of objects using their logical resources. Allen Hazen corrected me in a comment in the specific context of defining infinite sentences. But it turns out that I wasn’t just wrong about the specific context of defining infinite sentences: I was almost entirely wrong.

To see this, let’s restrict ourselves to non-gunky worlds, where all objects are made of simples. Suppose, further, that we have a predicate F(x) that says that an object x is finite. This is nominalistically and physicalistically acceptable by Goodman and Quine’s standards: it states a physical feature of a physical object, namely its size qua made of simples. (If the simples all have some finite amount of energy with some positive minimum, F(x) will be equivalent to saying x has a finite energy.)

Now, this doesn’t solve the problem by itself. To say that an object x is finite is not the same as saying that the number of objects with some property is finite. But I came across a cute little trick to go from one to the other in the proof of Proposition 7 of this paper. The trick transposed to the non-gunky mereological setting is this. Then following two statements are equivalent in non-gunky worlds satisfying appropriate mereological axioms:

  1. The number of objects x satisfying G(x) is finite.

  2. There is a finite object z such that for any objects x and y with G(x) and G(y), if x ≠ y, then x and y differ inside z (i.e., there is a part of z that is a part of one object but not of the other).

To see the equivalence, suppose (2) is true. Then if z has n simples, and if x is any object satisfying G(x), then all objects y satisfying G(x) differ from x within these n simples, so there are at most 2n objects satisfying G(x). Conversely, if there are finitely many satisfiers of G, there will be a finite object z that contains a simple of difference between x and y for every pair of satisfiers x and y of G (where a simple of difference is a simple that is a part of one but not the other), and any two distinct satisfiers of G will differ inside z.

I said initially that I was almost entirely wrong. In thoroughly gunky worlds, all objects are infinite in the sense of having infinitely many parts, so a mereologically-based finiteness predicate won’t help. Nor will a volume or energy-based one, because we can suppose a gunky world with finite total volume and finite total energy. So Goodman and Quine had better hope that the world isn’t thoroughly gunky.


  1. I think the world could be thoroughly gunky, so I think this still holds up really well.

  2. I wonder how kinetic energy moves through different physical parts if the world is thoroughly gunky? This seems like a riff of one of Zeno's paradoxes, but for gunk...
