Monday, January 20, 2025

Open-mindedness and epistemic thresholds

Fix a proposition p, and let T(r) and F(r) be the utilities of assigning credence r to p when p is true and false, respectively. The utilities here might be epistemic or of some other sort, like prudential, overall human, etc. We can call the pair T and F the score for p.

Say that the score T and F is open-minded provided that expected utility calculations based on T and F can never require you to ignore evidence, assuming that evidence is updated on in a Bayesian way. Assuming the technical condition that there is another logically independent event (else it doesn’t make sense to talk about updating on evidence), this turns out to be equivalent to saying that the function G(r) = rT(r) + (1−r)F(r) is convex. The function G(r) represents your expected value for your utility when your credence is r.

If G is a convex function, then it is continuous on the open interval (0,1). This implies that if one of the functions T or F has a discontinuity somewhere in (0,1), then the other function has a discontinuity at the same location. In particular, the points I made in yesterday’s post about the value of knowledge and anti-knowledge carry through for open-minded and not just proper scoring rules, assuming our technical condition.

Moreover, we can quantify this discontinuity. Given open-mindedness and our technical condiiton, if T has a jump of size δ at credence r (e.g., in the sense that the one-sided limits exist and differ by y), then F has a jump of size rδ/(1−r) at the same point. In particular, if r > 1/2, then if T has a jump of a given size at r, F has a larger jump at r.

I think this gives one some reason to deny that there are epistemically important thresholds strictly between 1/2 and 1, such as the threshold between non-belief and belief, or between non-knowledge and knowledge, even if the location of the thresholds depends on the proposition in question. For if there are such thresholds, then now imagine cases of propositions p with the property that it is very important to reach a threshold if p is true while one’s credence matters very little if p is false. In such a case, T will have a larger jump at the threshold than F, and so we will have a violation of open-mindedness.

Here are three examples of such propositions:

  • There are objective norms

  • God exists

  • I am not a Boltzmann brain.

There are two directions to move from here. The first is to conclude that because open-mindedness is so plausible, we should deny that there are epistemically important thresholds. The second is to say that in the case of such special propositions, open-mindedness is not a requirement.

I wondered initially whether a similar argument doesn’t apply in the absence of discontinuities. Could one have T and F be openminded even though T continuously increases a lot faster than F decreases? The answer is positive. For instance the pair T(r) = e10r and F(r) =  − r is open-minded (though not proper), even though T increases a lot faster than F decreases. (Of course, there are other things to be said against this pair. If that pair is your utility, and you find yourself with credence 1/2, you will increase your expected utility by switching your credence to 1 without any evidence.)

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