Benacerraf famously argued that no set theoretic reduction can capture the natural numbers. While one might conclude from this that the natural numbers are some kind of sui generis entities, Benacerraf instead opts for a structuralist view on which different things can play the role of different numbers.
The argument that no set theoretic reduction captures the negative numbers is based on thinking about two common reductions. On both, 0 is the empty set ⌀. But then the two accounts differ in how the successor sn of a number n is formed:
sn = n ∪ {n}
sn = {n}.
On the first account, the number 5 is equal to the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. On the second account, the number 5 is equal to the singleton {{{{{⌀}}}}}. Benacerraf thinks that we couldn’t imagine a good argument for preferring one account over another, and hence (I don’t know how this is supposed to follow) there can’t be a fact of the matter about why one account—or any other set-theoretic reductive account—is correct.
But I think there is a way to adjudicate different set-theoretic reductions of numbers. Plausibly, there is reference magnetism to simpler referrents of our terminology. Consider an as consisting of a set of natural numbers, a relation <, and two operations + and ⋅, satisfying some axioms. We might then say that our ordinary language arithmetic is attracted to the abstract entities that are most simply defined in terms of the fundamental relations. If the only relevant fundamental relation is set membership ∈, then we can ask which of the two accounts (a) and (b) more simply defines <, + and ⋅.
If simplicity is brevity of expression in first order logic, then this can be made a well-defined mathematical question. For instance, on (a), we can define a < b as a ∈ b. One provably cannot get briefer than that. (Any definition of a < b will need to contain a, b and ∈.) On the other hand, on (b), there is no way to define a < b as simply. Now it could turn out that + or ⋅ can be defined more simply on (b), in a way that offsets (a)’s victory with <, but it seems unlikely to me. So I conjecture that on the above account, (a) beats (b), and so there is a way to decide between the two reductions of numbers—(b) is the wrong one, while (a) at least has a chance of being right, unless there is a third that gives a simpler reduction.
In any case, on this picture, there is a way forward in the debate, which undercuts Benacerraf’s claim that there is no way forward.
I am not endorsing this. I worry about the multiplicity of first-order languages (e.g., infix-notation FOL vs. Polish-notation FOL).
For some reason, all of your Oxford-published books are free.
I wish they were, but alas I think they are only free if you have a subscription to Oxford Academic online. When I click on the links from home, it has "Get Access" by every chapter, rather than any actual access.
ReplyDeleteIf you're connecting to Oxford via a university internet connection, quite likely your university has a subscription.
If it weren't for the fact that self-hosted stuff doesn't get the same exposure as a major publisher, I would prefer to just "publish" my books on github under a CC Attribution license.
Can you make your books open access? That could make the content free and have a lot of exposure.
DeleteOh. I see. I opened the link on an incognito tab, so I thought it had to be the website itself. I am connecting to the website via the university library's internet, so that is probably the reason.
ReplyDeleteWriting out (a) and (b) without braces, we have:
ReplyDelete(a) ∀x(sn=x⇔(x≠∅∧∀y(y∈x⇒(y=n∨(y≠∅∧∀z(z∈y⇒y=n))))))
(b) ∀x(sn=x⇔(x≠∅∧∀y(y∈x⇒y=n)))
It seems the relative simplicity of (a) and (b) themselves should be part of our adjudication.