Sunday, August 19, 2018

I saw the ship of Theseus in Vancouver


  1. While standing on Neurath's boat.

    Poor you.

  2. Dr Pruse

    I note only a single Canadian flag in the picture?

    In Canada, there are millions of Canadian flags on view... they are everywhere (even more flags than what Americans display)... I figure, this is what has given you your ideas concerning, I am surprised at seeing only a single flag.

    Hmmmmmm….. maybe you were wearing a small Canadian flag button? Or do you only wear a Canadian flag insignia when you are in the States?

  3. Millions. How many millions? Let's say five million flags. Well, Canada is 10 million square kilometers. So, that's only only flag per two square kilometers. :-)

  4. Well once when I travelled from Pearson airport to London, Ont... I counted 332 Canadian flags...I couldn't help myself, I was so amazed at the plethora of flags.
