Friday, February 18, 2011

Double Effect conference online tomorrow

The Anscombe Centre is running what looks to be a really good conference on Double Effect [PDF] on Saturday, February 19th, 9:30-17:30 GMT. They'll be accepting questions by email (and a selection of the email questions will be asked by the chair). They ask that you send an email to if you're planning on attending electronically. No registration fee for online attendance, but they do accept donations.
Here is a fuller schedule.
I'll be there virtually, albeit sleepily, starting from around the second talk (the first starts at 3:30 am my time). If anybody wants to chat with me during or between sessions, go here, and make up a nickname (ideally one such that I'll know who you are). (That's not an official conference venue.)


  1. I will be watching and perhaps discussing with you. 4:30am (EST) is a little early to get up on a Saturday though so I am not sure what my conversation will be worth.

  2. I'll try to get up for this, but no promises. I'll only stay through the initial round table. Also, I signed up for the chat, but we'll see about contributing. Zombies do exist, you know.

  3. Conference in progress now, here.. And the informal online chat is running here.
