Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Relative identity and relative parthood

Advocates of relative identity say that identity is always relative to a kind. This seems to have an interesting and underappreciated consequence: If there is such a thing as parthood, it's relative to a kind too. For:

  1. Necessarily: x=y if and only if x is a part of y and y is a part of x.
This is very plausible and is a consequence of the antisymmetry of parthood axiom. So if we had an absolute parthood relation, we would automatically get an absolute identity relation out of it.

Is it crazy to think parthood is relative to a kind? Maybe not. Consider classic apparent counterexamples to the transitivity of parthood like: My right foot is a part of me and I am part of the Admissions Committee, but my right foot is not a part of the Admissions Committee. Well, we could say: my right foot is a part of me qua organism, while I am a part of the Admissions Committee qua organization. It's unsurprising that can't chain "___ is a part of ___ qua F" and "___ is a part of ___ qua G" together. On the other hand, perhaps we can say that my right foot is a part of me qua physical object and I am a part of the Admissions Committee qua physical object, so my right foot is a part of the Admissions Committee qua physical object. That sounds just right! So the kind-relativity of parthood seems to be a helpful thesis, at least in this regard.

Still, having to say that parthood is kind-relative is additional baggage for the relative identity theorist to take on board. Can she escape from the weight of that load? Maybe. She could say that diachronic identity is relative but synchronic identity is absolute. If she says that, then she could say that (1) holds but only for synchronic identity and synchronic (three-dimensionalist) parthood. (I think, though, that one shouldn't make diachronic identity be any different from synchronic identity. They are both, just, identity.)

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