Thursday, November 11, 2021

Forwards causal closure and dualist theories of perception

A standard dualist theory of perception goes like this:

  1. You sense stuff physically, the data goes to the brain, the brain processes the data, and out of the processed data produces qualia.

There is a lot of discussion of the “causal closure” of the physical. What people generally mean by this is that the physical is causally backwards-closed: the cause of a physical thing is itself physical. This is a controversial doctrine, not least because it seems to imply that some physical things are uncaused. But what doesn’t get discussed much is a more plausible doctrine we might call the forwards causal closure of the physical: physical causes only have physical effects. Forwards causal closure of the physical is, I think, a very plausible candidate for a conceptual truth. The physical isn’t spooky—and it is spooky to have the power of producing something spooky. (One could leave this at this conceptual argument, or one could add the scholastic maxim that one cannot cause what one does not in some sense have.)

By forwards closure, on the standard dualist theory, the brain is not a physical thing. This is a problem. It is supposed to be one of the advantages of the standard dualist theory that it is compatible with property dualism on which people are physical but have non-physical properties. But if the brain is not physical, there is no hope for people to be physical! Personally, I don’t mind losing property dualism, but it sure sounds absurd to hold that the brain is not physical.

Recently, I have been thinking about a non-causal dualist theory that goes like this:

  1. You sense stuff physically, the data goes to the brain, the brain processes the data, and the soul “observes” the brain’s processed data. (Or, perhaps more precisely, the person "feels" the neural data through the soul.)

To expand on this, what makes one feel pain is not the existence of a pain quale, but a sui generis “observation” relation between the soul and the brain’s processed data. This observation relation is not caused by the data, but takes place whether there is data there or not (if there isn’t, we have a perceptual blank slate). The soul is not changed intrinsically by the data: the “observation” of a particular datum—say, a datum representing a sharp pain in a toe—is an extrinsic feature of the soul. Note that unlike the standard theory, this up-front requires substance dualism of some sort, since the observing entity is not physical given the sui generis nature of the “observation” relation.

The non-causal dualist theory allows one to maintain forwards closure of the physical and the physicality of the brain. For the brain doesn’t cause a non-physical effect. The brain simply gets “observed”.

It is however possible that the soul causes an effect in the brain—for instance, the “observation” relation may trigger quantum collapse. Thus, the theory may violate backwards closure. And that’s fine by me. Backwards closure does not follow conceptually from the concept of the physical—a physical thing doesn’t become spooky for having a spooky cause.

There is a difficulty here, however. Suppose that the soul acts on the “observed” data, say by causing one to say “You stepped on my foot.” Wouldn’t we want to say that the brain data correlated with the pain caused one to say “You stepped on my foot”?

I think this temptation is resistable. Ridiculously oversimplifying, we can imagine that the soul has a conditional causal power to cause an utterance of “You stepped on my foot” under the condition of “observing” a certain kind of pain-correlated neural state. And while it is tempting to say that the satisfied conditions of a conditional causal power cause the causal power to go off, we need not say that. We can, simply, say that the causal power goes off, and the cause is not the condition, but the thing that has the causal power, in this case the soul.

On this story, if you step on my foot, you don’t cause me to say “You stepped on my foot”, though you do cause the condition of my conditional causal power to say so. We might say that in an extended sense there is a “causal explanation” of my utterance in terms of your stepping, and your stepping is “causally prior” to my utterance, even though this causal explanation is not itself an instance of causation simpliciter. If so, then all the stuff I say in my infinity book on causation should get translated into the language of causal explanation or causal priority. Or we can just say that there is a broad and a narrow sense of “cause”, and in the broad sense you cause me to speak and in the narrow you do not.

I think there is a very good theological reason to think this makes sense. For we shouldn’t say that our actions cause God to act. The idea of causing God to do anything seems directly contrary to divine transcendence. God is beyond our causal scope! Just as by forwards closure a physical thing cannot cause a spiritual effect, so too by transcendence a created thing cannot cause a divine effect. Yet, of course, our actions explain God’s actions. God answers prayers, rewards the just and punishes the unrepentant wicked. There is, thus, some sort of quasi-causal explanatory relation here that can be used just as much for non-causal dualist perception.

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