Monday, November 11, 2024

Goodman and Quine and transitive closure

In the previous post, I showed that Goodman and Quine’s counting method fails for objects that have too much overlap. I think (though the technical parts here are more difficult) that the same is true for their definition of the ancestral or transitive closure of a relation.

GQ showed how to define ancestors in terms of offspring. We can try to extend this definition to the transitive closure of any relation R over any kind of entities:

  1. x stands in the transitive closure of R to y iff for every object u that has y as a part and that has as a part anything that stands in R to a part of u, there is a z such that Rxz and both x and z are parts of R.

This works fine if no relatum of R overlaps any other relatum of R. But if there is overlap, it can fail. For instance, suppose we have three atoms a, b and c, and a relation R that holds between a + b and a + b + c and between a and a + b. Then any object u that has a + b + c as a part has c as a part, and so (1) would imply that c stands in the transitive closure of R to a + b + c, which is false.

Can we find some other definition of transitive closure using the same theoretical resources (namely, mereology) that works for overlapping objects? No. Nor even if we add the “bigger than” predicate of GQ’s attempt to define “more”. We can say that x and y are equinumerous provided that neither is bigger than the other.

Let’s work in models made of an infinite number of mereological atoms. Write u ∧ v for the fusion of the common parts of both u and v (assuming u and v overlap), u ∨ v for the fusion of objects that are parts of one or the other, and u − v for the fusion of all the parts of u that do not overlap v (assuming u is not a part of v). Write |x| for the number of atomic parts of x when x is finite. Now make these definitions:

  1. x is finite iff an atom is related to x by the transitive closure (with respect to the kind object) of the relation that relates an object to that object plus one atom.

  2. Axyw iff x and y are finite and whenever x is equinumerous with x and does not overlap y, then x′ ∨ y is equinumerous with w. (This says |x| + |y| = |w|.)

  3. Say that Dyuv iff A(uy,uy,vy) (i.e., |vy| = 2|uy|) and either v does not overlap y or and u ∧ y is an atom or v and y overlap and u ∧ y consists of v ∧ y plus one atom. (This treats u and v as basically ordered pairs (uy,uy) and (vy,vy), and it makes sure that from the first pair to the second, the first component is doubled in size and the second component is decreased by one.)

  4. Say that Q0yx iff y is finite and for some atom z not overlapping y we have y ∧ z related to something not overlapping x by the transitive closure of Dy. (This takes the pair (z,y), and applies the double first component and decrease second component relation described in (4) until the second component goes to zero. Thus, it is guaranteed that |x| = 2|y|.)

  5. Say that Qyx iff y is finite and Q0yx for some non-overlapping x′ that does not overlap y and that is equinumerous with x.

If I got all the details right, then Qyx basically says that |x| = 2|y|.

Thus, we can define use transitive closure to define binary powers of finite cardinalities. But the results about the expressive power of monadic second-order logic with cardinality comparison say that we can only define semi-linear relations between finite cardinalities, which doesn’t allow defining binary powers.

Remark: We don’t need equinumerosity to be defined in terms of a primitive “bigger”. We can define equinumerosity for non-overlapping finite sets by using transitive closure (and we only need it for finite sets). First let Tyuv iff v − y exists and consists of u − y minus one atom and v ∧ y exists and consists of v ∧ y minus one atom. Then finite x and y are equinumerous0 iff they are non-overlapping and x ∨ y has exactly two atoms or is related to an object with exactly two atoms by the transitive closure of Tyuv. We now say that x and y are equinumerous provided that they are finite and either x = y (i.e., they have the same atoms) or both x − y and y − x are defined and equinumerous0.

Friday, November 8, 2024

No fix for Goodman and Quine's counting

In yesterday’s post, I noted that Goodman and Quine’s nominalist mereological definition of what it is to say that there are more cats than dogs fails if there are cats that are conjoint twins. This raises the question whether there is some other way of using the same ontological resources to generate a definition of “more” that works for overlapping objects as well.

I think the answer is negative. First, note that GQ’s project is explicitly meant to be compatible with there being a finite number of individuals. In particular, thus, it needs to be compatible with the existence of mereological atoms, individuals with no proper parts, which every individual is a fusion of. (Otherwise, there would have to be no individuals or infinitely many. For every individual has an atom as a part, since otherwise it has an infinite regress of parts. Furthermore, every individual must be a fusion of the atoms it has as parts, otherwise the supplementation axiom will be violated.) Second, GQ’s avail themselves of one non-mereological tool: size comparisons (which I think must be something like volumes). And then it is surely a condition of adequacy on their theory that it be compatible with the logical possibility that there are finitely many individuals, every individual is a fusion of its atoms and the atoms are all the same size. I will call worlds like that “admissible”.

So, here are GQ’s theoretical resources for admissible worlds. There are individuals, made of atoms, and there is a size comparison. The size comparison between two individuals is equivalent to comparing the cardinalities of the sets of atoms the individuals are made of, since all the atoms are the same size. In terms of expressive power, their theory, in the case of admissible worlds, is essentially that of monadic second order logic with counting, MSO(#), restricted to finite models. (I am grateful to Allan Hazen for putting me on to the correspondence between GQ and MSO.) The atoms in GQ correspond to objects in MSO(#) and the individuals correspond to (extensions of) monadic predicates. The differences are that MSO(#) will have empty predicates and will distinguish objects from monadic predicates that have exactly one object in their extension, while in GQ the atoms are just a special (and definable) kind of individual.

Suppose now that GQ have some way of using their resources to define “more”, i.e., find a way of saying “There are more individuals satisfying F than those satisfying G.” This will be equivalent to MSO(#) defining a second-order counting predicate, one that essentially says “The set of sets of satisfiers of F is bigger than the set of sets of satisfiers of G”, for second-order predicates F and G.

But it is known that the definitional power of MSO(#) over finite models is precisely such as to define semi-linear sets of numbers. However, if we had a second-order counting predicate in MSO(#), it would be easy to define binary exponentiation. For the number of objects satisfying predicate F is equal to two raised to the power of the number of objects satisfying G just in case the number of singleton subsets of F is equal to the number of subsets of G. (Compare in the GQ context: the number of atoms of type F is equal to two the power of the number of atoms of type G provided that the number of atoms of type F is one plus the number of individuals made of the atoms of type G.) And of course equinumerosity can be defined (over finite models) in terms of “more”, while the set of pairs (n,2n) is clearly not semi-linear.

One now wants to ask a more general question. Could GQ define counting of individuals using some other predicates on individuals besides size comparison? I don’t know. My guess would be no, but my confidence level is not that high, because this deals in logic stuff I know little about.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Goodman and Quine and shared bits

Goodman and Quine have a clever way of saying that there are more cats than dogs without invoking sets, numbers or other abstracta. The trick is to say that x is a bit of y if x is a part of y and x is the same size as the smallest of the dogs and cats. Then you’re supposed to say:

  1. Every object that has a bit of every cat is bigger than some object that has a bit of every dog.

This doesn’t work if there is overlap between cats. Imagine there are three cats, one of them a tiny embryonic cat independent of the other two cats, and the other two are full-grown twins sharing a chunk larger than the embryonic cat, while there are two full-grown dogs that are not conjoined. Then a bit is a part the size of the embryonic cat. But (assuming mereological universalism along with Goodman and Quine) there is an object that has a bit of every cat that is no bigger than any object has a bit of every dog. For imagine an object that is made out of the embryonic cat together with a bit that the other two cats have in common. This object is no bigger than any object that has a bit of each of the dogs.

It’s easy to fix this:

  1. Every object that has an unshared bit of every cat is bigger than some object that has an unshared bit of every dog,

where an unshared bit is a bit x not shared between distinct cats or distinct dogs.

But this fix doesn’t work in general. Suppose the following atomistic thesis is true: all material objects are made of equally-sized individisible particles. And suppose I have two cubes on my desk, A and B, with B having double the number of particles as A. Consider this fact:

  1. There are more pairs of particles in A than particles in B.

(Again, Goodman and Quine have to allow for objects that are pairs of particles by their mereological universalism.) But how do we make sense of this? The trick behind (1) and (2) was to divide up our objects into equally-sized pieces, and compare the sizes. But any object made of the parts of all the particles in B will be the same size as B, since it will be made of the same particles as B, and hence will be bigger than any object made of parts of A.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Trope theory and merely numerical differences in pleasures

Suppose I eat a chocolate bar and this causes me to have a trope of pleasure. Given assentiality of origins, if I had eaten a numerically different chocolate bar that caused the same pleasure, I would have had had a numerically different trope of pleasure.

Now, imagine that I eat a chocolate bar in my right hand and it causes me to have a trope of pleasure R, and immediately as I have finished eating that one chocolate bar, I switch to eating the chocolate bar in my left hand, which gives me an exactly similar trope of pleasure, L, with no temporal gap. Nonetheless, by essentiality of origins, trope L is numerically distinct from trope R.

To some (perhaps Armstrong) this will seem absurd. But I think it’s exactly right. In fact, I think it may even an argument for trope theory. For it seems pretty plausible that as I switch chocolate bars, something changes in me: I go from one pleasure to another exactly like it. But on heavy-weight Platonism, there is no change: I instantiated pleasure and now I instantiate pleasure. On non-trope nominalism, likewise there is no change. It’s trope theory that gives us the change here.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Does one's vote make a difference?

Suppose that there is a simple majority election, with two candidates, and there is a large odd number of voters. Suppose polling data makes the election too close to call. How likely is it that you can decide which candidate wins?

I could look up this stuff, but it’s more fun to figure it out.

A quick and dirty model is this. We have N people other than you voting, each choosing between candidates A and B with probabilities p and 1 − p respectively. You don’t know what p and 1 − p are, but polling data tells you that p is between 1/2 − a and 1/2 + b for some positive numbers a and b. Your vote decides the election provided that exactly N/2 people vote for candidate A. This requires that N be even (if N is odd, at best you can decide between a candidate winning and the election being undecided, so you can’t decide which candidate wins), which has probability 1/2. Given that N = 2n is even, the probability that the other votes are exactly balanced is (a+b)−1 C(2n,n)∫1/2−a1/2+bpn(1−p)n − 1dp, where C(m,n) is the binomial coefficient. Assuming n is large as compared to a and b, the integral can be approximated by replacing its bounds by 0 and 1 respectively, and some work with Mathematica shows that for large n the probability is approximately 1/(N(a+b)).

So what? Well, suppose you think that candidate A will on average make a person in the jurisdiction be u units of flourishing better off than candidate B will, and there are K persons, where K ≥ N + 1 (there are at least as many persons as candidates). So, the expected amount of difference that your voting for A will make is at least Ku/(2N(a+b)). This is at least u/(a+b). Thus, if the polling data gives you a range between 0.48 and 0.52 for the probability of a person’s preferring candidate A, and half of the people in the jurisdiction vote, the expected amount of difference that your vote makes is 25u. This is quite a lot if you think that which candidate wins makes a significant difference u per governed person.

Interestingly, some numerical work with Mathematica also shows that as number of people increases, then the expected amount of difference your vote makes also increases asymptotically, up to the limit of Ku/(2N(a+b)). So for larger jurisdictions, even though the probability of your vote making a difference is smaller, the expected difference from your vote is a bit bigger.

My quick and dirty model is not quite right. Of course, people don’t come to the polls and randomly choose whom to vote for. A more likely source of randomness has to do with who actually makes it to the polls (who gets sick, who has something come up, who decides it’s pointless to vote, etc.). A better model might be this. We have M people eligible to vote, of whom pM want to vote for A and (1−p)M want to vote for B. Some random subset of the M people then votes. My probabilist intuitions say that this is not that different from my model if the number of actual voters is, say, half of the eligible voters. If I had an election that I was eligible to vote in coming, I might try to figure our the more complex model, but I don’t.