Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Asymmetry between moral and physical excellence

We can use a Mahatma Ghandi or a Mother Teresa as a moral exemplar to figure out what our virtues should be. But we cannot use an Usain Bolt or a Serena Williams as a physical exemplar to figure out what our physical capabilities should be. Why this disanalogy between moral and physical excellence?

It’s our intuition that Bolt and Williams exceed the physical norms for humans to a significant degree. But although Ghandi and Mother Teresa did many supererogatory things, I do not think they overall exceed the moral norms for human character to a significant degree. We should be like them, and our falling short is largely our fault.

My LaTeX "ide"

I haven’t found a LaTeX IDE that I am happy with (texmaker comes close, but I don’t like the fact that it doesn’t properly underline the trigger letter in menus, even if Windows is set to do that), and so I ended up defaulting to just editing my book and papers with notepad++ and running pdflatex manually. But it’s a bit of a nuisance to get the preview: ctrl-s to save, alt-tab to command-line, up-arrow and enter to re-run pdflatex, alt-tab to pdf viewer. So I wrote a little python script that watches my current directory and if any .tex file changes in it, it re-runs pdflatex. So now it’s just ctrl-s, alt-tab to get the preview. I guess it’s only four keystrokes saved, but it feels more seamless and straightforward. The script also launches notepad++ and my pdf viewer at the start of the session to save me some typing.