Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Very open-minded scoring rules

An accuracy scoring rule is open-minded provided that the expected value of the score after a Bayesian update on a prospective observation is always greater than or equal to the current expected value of the score.

Now consider a single-proposition accuracy scoring rule for a hypothesis H. This can be thought of as a pair of functions T and F where T(p) is the score for assigning credence p when H is true and F(p) is the score for assigning credence p when H is false. We say that the pair (T,F) is very open-minded provided that the conditional-on-H expected value of the T score after a Bayesian update on a prospective observation is greater than or equal to the current expected value of the T score and provided that the same is true for the F score with the expected value being conditional on not-H.

An example of a very open-minded scoring rule is the logarithmic rule where T(p) = log p and F(p) = log (1−p). The logarithmic rule has some nice philosophical properties which I discuss in this post, and it is easy to see that any very open-minded scoring rule has these properties. Basically, the idea is that if I measure epistemic utilities using a very open-minded scoring rule, then I will not be worried about Bayesian update on a prospective observation damaging other people’s epistemic utilities, as long as these other people agree with me on the likelihoods.

One might wonder if there are any other non-trivial proper and very open-minded scoring rules besides the logarithmic one. There are. Here’s a pretty easy to verify fact (see the Appendix):

  • A scoring rule (T,F) is very open-minded if and only if the functions xT(x) and (1−x)F(1−x) are both convex.

Here’s a cute scoring rule that is proper and very open-minded and proper:

  • T(x) =  − ((1−x)/x)1/2 and F(x) = T(1−x).

(For propriety, use Fact 1 here. For open-mindedness, note that the graph of xT(x) is the lower half of the semicircle with radius 1/2 and center at (1/2,0), and hence is convex.)

What’s cute about this rule? Well, it is symmetric (F(x) = T(1−x)) and it has the additional symmetry property that xT(x) = (1−x)T(1−x) = (1−x)F(x). Alas, though, T is not concave, and I think a good scoring rule should have T concave (i.e., there should be diminishing returns from getting closer to the truth).


Suppose that the prospective observation is as to which cell of the partition E1, ..., En we are in. The open-mindedness property with respect to T then requires:

  1. iP(Ei|H)T(P(H|Ei)) ≥ T(P(H)).

Now P(Ei|H) = P(H|Ei)P(Ei)/P(H). Thus what we need is:

  1. iP(Ei)P(H|Ei)T(P(H|Ei)) ≥ P(H)T(P(H)).

Given that P(H) = ∑iP(Ei)P(H|Ei), this follows immediately from the convexity of xT(x). The converse is easy, too.

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