Friday, January 17, 2025

Knowledge and anti-knowledge

Suppose knowledge has a non-infinitesimal value. Now imagine that you continuously gain evidence for some true proposition p, until your evidence is sufficient for knowledge. If you’re rational, your credence will rise continuously with the evidence. But if knowledge has a non-infinitesimal value, your epistemic utility with respect to p will have a discontinuous jump precisely when you attain knowledge. Further, I will assume that the transition to knowledge happens at a credence strictly bigger than 1/2 (that’s obvious) and strictly less than 1 (Descartes will dispute this).

But this leads to an interesting and slightly implausible consequence. Let T(r) be the epistemic utility of assigning evidence-based credence r to p when p is true, and let F(r) be the epistemic utility of assigning evidence-based credence r to p when p is false. Plausibly, T is a strictly increasing function (being more confident in a truth is good) and F is a strictly decreasing function (being more confident in a falsehood is bad). Furthermore, the pair T and F plausibly yields a proper scoring rule: whatever one’s credence, one doesn’t have an expectation that some other credence would be epistemically better.

It is not difficult to see that these constraints imply that if T has a discontinuity at some point 1/2 < rK < 1, so does F. The discontinuity in F implies that as we become more and more confident in the falsehood p, suddenly we have a discontinuous downward jump in utility. That jump occurs precisely at rK, namely when we gain what we might call “anti-knowledge”: when one’s evidence for a falsehood becomes so strong that it would constitute knowledge if the proposition were true.

Now, there potentially are some points where we might plausibly think that epistemic utility of having a credence in a falsehood takes a discontinuous downward jump. These points are:

  • 1, where we become certain of the falsehood

  • rB, the threshold of belief, where the credence becomes so high that we count as believing the falsehood

  • 1/2, where we start to become more confident in the falsehood p than the truth not-p

  • 1 − rB, where we stop believing not-p, and

  • 0, where the falsehood p becomes an epistemic possibility.

But presumably rK is strictly between rB and 1, and hence rK is no one of these points. Is it plausible to think that there is a discontinuous downward jump in epistemic utility when we achieve anti-knowledge by crossing the threshold rK in a falsehood.

I am incline to say not. But that forces me to say that there is no discontinuous upward jump in epistemic utility once we gain knowledge.

On the other hand, one might think that the worst kind of ignorance is when you’re wrong but you think you have knowledge, and that’s kind of like the anti-knowledge point.


Rob Bass said...

Shouldn't "F(r) be the epistemic utility of assigning evidence-based credence r to p when p is true" be "F(r) be the epistemic utility of assigning evidence-based credence r to p when p is false"?

Alexander R Pruss said...
