Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Existential inertia and spacetime

According to the principle of existential inertia:

  1. If x exists at t1 and t2 > t1 and there is no cause of x’s not existing at t2, then x exists at t2.

This sounds weird, and one way to get at the weirdness for me is to put it in terms of relativity theory. Times are spacelike hypersurfaces. So, then:

  1. If x exists somewhere on a spacelike hypersurface H1 and H2 is a later spacelike hypersurface and there is no cause of x’s not existing on $H_2, then x exists on H2.

This seems weird to me. Why should being in one specific area of spacetime metaphysically push one to exist in another specific area of spacetime? I can see how existing in one area of spacetime could physically push one to exist in another. But metaphysically? That seems odd.

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