Sunday, June 16, 2024

Integration Information Theory doesn't seem to get integrated information right

I’m still thinking about Integrated Information Theory (IIT), in Aaronson’s simplified formulation. Aaronson’s famous criticisms show pretty convincingly that IIT fails to correctly characterize consciousness: simple but large systems of unchanging logic gates end up having human-level consciousness on IIT.

However, IIT attempts to do two things: (a) provide an account of what it is for a system to have integrated information in terms of a measure Φ, and (b) equate conscious systems with ones that have integrated information.

In this post, I want to offer some evidence that IIT fails at (a). If IIT fails at (a), then it opens up the option that notwithstanding the counterexamples, IIT gets (b) right. I am dubious of this option. For one, the family of examples in this post suggests that IIT’s account of integrated information is too restrictive, and making it less restrictive will only make it more subject to Aaronson-style counterexample. For another, I have a conclusive reason to think that IIT is false: God is conscious but has no parts, whereas IIT requires all conscious systems to have parts.

On to my argument against (a). IIT implies that a system lacks integrated information provided that it can be subdivided into two subsystems of roughly equal size such that each subsystem’s evolution over the next time step is predictable on the basis of that subsystem alone, as measured by information-theoretic entropy, i.e., only a relatively small number of additional bits of information need to be added to perfectly predict the subsystem’s evolution.

The family of systems of interest to me are what I will call “low dependency input-output (ldio) systems”. In these systems, the components can be partitioned into input components and output components. Input component values do not change. Output component values depend deterministically on the input components values. Moreover, each output component value depends only on a small number of input components. It is a little surprising that any ldio systems counts as having integrated information in light of the fact that the input components do not depend on output components, but there appear to be examples, even if details of proof have not yet been given. Aaronson is confident that low density parity check codes are an example. Another example is two large grids of equal size where the second (output) grid’s values consist of applying a step of an appropriate cellular automaton to the first (input) grid. For instance, one could put a one at the output grid provided that the neighboring points on the input grid have an odd number of ones, and otherwise put a zero.

Now suppose we have an ldio system with a high degree of integrated information as measured by IIT’s Φ measure. Then we can easily turn it into a system with a much, much lower Φ using a trick. Instead of having the system update all its outputs at once, have the system update the outputs one-by-one. To do this, add to the system a small number of binary components that hold hold an “address” for the “current” output component—say, an encoding of a pair of coordinates if the system is a grid. Then at each time step have the system update only the specific output indicated by the address, and also have the system advance the address to the address of the next output component, wrapping around to the first output component once done with all of them. We could imagine that these steps are performed really, really fast, so in the blink of an eye we have updated all the outputs—but not all at once.

This sequentialized version of the ldio is still an ldio: each output value depends on a small number of input values, plus the relatively small number of bits needed to specify the address (log2N where N is the number of outputs). But the Φ value is apt to be immensely reduced compared to the original system. For divide up the sequentialized version into any two subsystems of roughly equal size. The outputs (if any) in each subsystem can be determined by specifying the current address (log2N bits) plus a small number of bits for the values of the inputs that the currently addressed output depends on. Thus each subsystem has low number of bits of entropy when we randomize the values of the other subsystem, and hence the Φ measure will be low. While, say, the original system’s Φ measure is of the order Np, the new system’s Φ measure will be at most of the order log2N plus the maximum number of inputs that an output depends on.

But the sequentialized system will have the same time evolution as the original simultaneous-processing system as long as we look at the output of the sequentialized system after N steps, where N is the number of outputs. Intuitively, the sequentialized system has a high degree of integrated information if and only if the original system does (and is conscious if and only if the original system is).

I conclude that IIT has failed to correctly characterize integrated information.

There is a simple fix. Given a system S, there is a system Sk with the same components but each of whose steps consists in k steps of the system S. We could say that a system S has integrated information provided that there is some k such that Φ(Sk) is high. (We might even define the measure of integrated information as supkΦ(Sk).) I worry that this move will make it too easy to have a high degree of integrated information. Many physical systems are highly predictable over a short period of time but become highly unpredictable over a long period of time, with results being highly sensitive to small variation in most of the initial values: think of weather systems. I am fairly confident that if we fix IIT as suggested, then planetary weather systems will end up having super-human levels of consciousness.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A very simple counterexample to Integrated Information Theory?

I’ve been thinking a bit about Integerated Information Theory (IIT) as a physicalist-friendly alternative to functionalism as an account of consciousness.

The basic idea of IIT is that we measure the amount of consciousness in a system by subdividing the system into pairs of subsystems and calculating how well one can predict the next state of each of the two subsystems without knowing the state of the other. If there is a partition which lets you make the predictions well, then the system is considered reducible, with low integrated information, and hence low consciousness. So you look for the best-case subdivision—one where you can make the best predictions as measured by Shannon entropy with a certain normalization—and say that the amount Φ of “integrated information” in the system varies in reverse order with the quality of these best predictions. And then the amount of consciousness Φ in the system corresponds to the amount of integrated information.

Aaronson gives a simple mathematical framework and what sure look like counterexamples: systems that intuitively don’t appear to be mind-like and yet have a high Φ value. Surprisingly, though, Tononi (the main person behind IIT) has responded by embracing these counterexamples as cases of consciousness.

In this post, I want to offer a counterexample with a rather different structure. My counterexample has an advantage and a disadvantage with respect to Aaronson’s. The advantage is that it is a lot harder to embrace my counterexample as an example of consciousness. The disadvantage is that my example can be avoided by an easy tweak to the definition of Φ.

It is even possible that my tweak is already incorporated in the official IIT 4.0. I am right now only working with Aaronson’s perhaps simplified framework (for one, his framework depends on a deterministic transition function), because the official one is difficult for me to follow. And it is also possible that I am just missing something obvious and making some mistake. Maybe a reader will point that out to me.

The idea of my example is very simple. Imagine a system consisting of two components each of which has N possible states. At each time step, the two components swap states. There is now only one decomposition of the system into two subsystems, which makes things much simpler. And note that each subsystem’s state at time n has no predictive power for its own state at n + 1, since it inherits the other subsystem’s state at n + 1. The Shannon entropies corresponding to the best predictions are going to be log2N, and so Φ of the system is 2log2N. By making N arbitrarily large, we can make Φ arbitrarily large. In fact, if we have an analog system with infinitely many states, then Φ is infinite.

Advantage over Aaronson’s counterexamples: There is nothing the least consciousness-like in this setup. We are just endlessly swapping states between two components. That’s not consciousness. Imagine the components are hard drives and we just endlessly swap the data between them. To make it even more vivid, suppose the two hard drives have the same data, so nothing actually changes in the swaps!

Disadvantage: IIT can escape the problem by modifying the measure Φ of integrated information in some way in the special case where the components are non-binary. Aaronson’s counterexamples use binary components, so they are unaffected. Here are three such tweaks. (i) Just to divide by the logarithm of the maximum number of states in a component (seems ad hoc). (ii) Restrict the system to one with binary components, and therefore require that any component with more that two possible states be reinterpreted as a collection of binary components encoding the non-binary state (but which binarization should one choose?). (iii) Define Φ of a non-binary system as a minimum of the Φ values over all possible binarizations. Either (i) or (iii) kills my counterexample.

Monday, June 10, 2024


I’ve been imagining a very slow embodiment of computation. You have some abstract computer program designed for a finite-time finite-space subset of a Turing machine. And now you have a big tank of black and white paint that is constantly being stirred in a deterministic way, but one that is some ways into the ergodic hierarchy: it’s weakly mixing. If you leave the tank for eternity, every so often the paint will make some seemingly meaningful patterns. In particular, on very rare occasions in the tank one finds an artistic drawing of the next step of the Turing machine’s functioning while executing that program—it will be the drawing of a tape, a head, and various symbols on the tape. Of course, in between these steps will be a millenia of garbage.

In fact, it turns out that (with probability one) there will be some specific number n of years such that the correct first step of the Turing machine’s functioning will be drawn in exactly n years, the correct second step in exactly 2n years, the correct third one in exactly 3n years, and so on (remembering that there is only a finite number of steps, since we have working with a finite-space subset). (Technically, this is because weak mixing implies multiple weak mixing.) Moreover, each step causally depends on the preceding one. Will this be computation? Will the tank of paint be running the program in this process?

Intuitively, no. For although we do have causal connections between the state in n years and the next state in 2n years and so on, those connections are too counterfactually fragile. Let’s say you took the artistic drawing of the Turing machine in the tank at the first step (namely in n years) and you perturbed some of the paint particles in a way that makes no visible difference to the visual representation. Then probably by 2n years things would be totally different from what they should be. And if you changed the drawing to a drawing of a different Turing machine state, the every-n-years evolution would also change.

So it seems that for computation we need some counterfactual robustness. In a real computer, physical states define logical states in a infinity-to-one way (infinitely many “small” physical voltages count as a logical zero, and infinitely many “larger” physical voltages count as a logical one). We want to make sure that if the physical states were different but not sufficiently different to change the logical states, this would not be likely to affect the logical states in the future. And if the physical states were different enough to change the logical states, then the subsequent evolution would likely change in an orderly way. Not so in the paint system.

But the counterfactual robustness is tricky. Imagine a Frankfurt-style counterfactual intervener who is watching your computer while your computer is computing ten thousand digits of π. The observer has a very precise plan for all the analog physical states of your computer during the computation, and if there is the least deviation, the observer will blow up the computer. Fortunately, there is no deviation. But now with the intervener in place, there is no counterfactual robustness. So it seems the computation has been destroyed.

Maybe it’s fine to say it has been destroyed. The question of whether a particular physical system is actually running a particular program seems like a purely verbal question.

Unless consciousness is defined by computation. For whether a system is conscious, or at least conscious in a particular specific way, is not a purely verbal question. If consciousness is defined by computation, we need a mapping between physical states and logical computational states, and what that mapping is had better not be a purely verbal question.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Epicurean argument on death

The Epicurean argument is that death considered as cessation of existence does us no harm, since it doesn’t harm us when we are alive (as we are not dead then) and it doesn’t harm us when we are dead (since we don’t exist then to be harmed).

Consider a parallel argument: It is not a harm to occupy too little space—i.e., to be too small. For the harm of occupying too little space doesn’t occur where we exist (since that is space we occupy) and it doesn’t occur where we don’t exist (since we’re not there). The obvious response is that if I am too small, then the whole of me is harmed by not occupying more space. Similarly, then, if death is cessation of existence, and I die, then the whole of me is harmed by not occupying more time.

Here’s another case. Suppose that a flourishing life for humans contains at least ten years of conversation while Alice only has five years of conversation over her 80-year span of life. When has Alice been harmed? Nowhen! She obviously isn’t harmed by the lack of conversation during the five years of conversation. But neither is she harmed at any given time during the 75 years that she is not conversing. For if she is harmed by the lack of conversation at any given time during those 75 years, she is harmed by the lack of conversation during all of them—they are all on par, except maybe infancy which I will ignore for simplicity. But she’s only missing five years of conversation, not 75. She isn’t harmed over all of the 75 years.

There are temporal distribution goods, like having at least ten years of conversation, or having a broad variety of experiences, or falling in love at least once. These distribution goods are not located at times—they are goods attached to the whole of the person’s life. And there are distribution bads, which are the opposites of the temporal distribution goods. If death is the cessation of existence, it is one of these.

I wonder, though, whether it is possible for a presentist to believe in temporal distribution goods. Maybe. If not, then that’s too bad for the presentist.

Monday, June 3, 2024

On a generalization of Double Effect

Traditional formulations of the Principle of Double Effect deal with things that are said to have absolute prohibitions against them, like killing the innocent: such things must never be intended, but sometimes may be produced as a side-effect.

Partly to generalize the traditional formulation, and partly to move beyond strict deontology, contemporary thinkers sometimes modify Double Effect to be some principle like:

  1. It is worse, or harder to justify, to intentionally cause harm than to do so merely foreseeably.

While (1) sounds plausible, there is a family of cases where intentionally causing harm is permitted but doing so unintentionally is not. To punish someone, you need to intend a harm (but maybe not an all-things-considered harm) to them. But there are cases where a harsh treatment is only permissible as a punishment. In some cases where someone has committed a serious crime and deserves to be imprisoned, and yet the imprisonment is not necessary to protect society (e.g., because the criminal has for other reasons—say, a physical injury—become incapable of repeating the crimes), then the imprisonment can be justified as punishment, but not otherwise. In those cases, the harm is permitted only if it is intended.

It still seems that it tends to be the case that intentional harm is harder to justify than merely foreseen harm.